Wednesday, 20 May 2009


So - I suck. I haven't updated the blog in two days!! That means I have a bit of catching up to do!! It's about time for an update on what has been happening over the course of the last few days then.

Actually - quite a lot has happened, which accounts for the lack of updating. I had a great time Friday evening (out with D and his barrister friends in Bristol - having delivered a filing cabinet) and on Saturday (spent out on the tiles with Tasha) / Sunday (spent in Westfield - shopping).

Friday night was great (if tiring) as it was good to see D and his mates. It's always nice to see him with people he gets on with - he is a different person - life and soul of the party!

Anyway, he was on top form this Friday - and amusingly glad to see me! It is always nice when your boyfriend is actually genuinely glad to see you, and this was one of those times. We spent the evening drinking *fairly* heavily and then eating Japanese food. The sake was flowing!!

So - Saturday morning was spent rather lazily - which was fabulous! I love a lazy morning - it's one of my favourite things in the whole wide world. However, the afternoon was then spent dashing to London in order to meet Tasha. This perhaps could have been managed slightly differntly, as it turns out that poor Tash had to sit on a train to London for some 4 hours!!!

Anyway - we still had a great night - it was sooooo good to see Tasha!! We decided to simply hit Soho and see what the Greek Street area had to offer. We eneded up in a fairly dodgy bar called THIRST - and then on to a club called PUNK.

Silly dancing and girly giggling ensued... However, I ask you - can £9 for a spirit + mixer be legal??

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