Thursday, 23 July 2009


What a random heading for a post! well - that is what I thinking about at the moment, and so it's what I am blogging about. So there

I get my eyebrows waxed once a month - without fail. This is because I am utterly hopeless at doing them myself. However, I have noticed that they are slowly getting thinner over time. This is not what I want - I prefer a fuller brow.

So - I am thinking - how do I get out of this cycle of brow shrinkage? I mean, if I leave them alone, they will grow all bushy and ugly. I seem to be in a damned if I do, damned if I on't situation.

I am thinking that I may need to start pencilling them in, or something, in order to get anything approaching acceptable. I want a pin-up style, 1940s-esque look which screams glamour - not a thin WAG-like caterpillar. I need my brows shaped with a long thick arch that tapers off into a point.

It's also getting to the point where my fingers are letting me down - I have been eating them away for too long! I want well manicured fingernails and a pedicure...

Sigh* Sounds like I need an MOT, really!!!

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