Wednesday, 29 July 2009

What's new pussycat?

I realise that I have been blogging about sites and new finds for the last few posts, and not really what is going on with me. I thought you might be interested so I thought I'd change that. :-)

Last night represented D-Day for me. Yes, that's right. Nipple tassle twirling day. The element of the burlesque lessons that was the most alluring; but also the most terrifying.

Why is this? Why does the idea of spinning tassles both fill me with delight and absolute terror? Well - the first is self-explanatory. It is probably the quintessential burlesque 'move' - and the one which most people would readily associate with the art form. The second is becuase I have rather large bossoms and so was terrified that this would look awful.

It seemed to be OK! Whilst watching me spin tassles is not my idea of a good time (or something I would pay for) - it does appear that I can actually do it. I need a little more practice, but it is possible... It wasn't too awful either. I think we were all in the same boat and therefore it was a lot easier to bear!

What else has happened to me this week? Hmmm - nt much else - too much work and no play makes Kat a dull girl.

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